BU4U is motivated to share an oppotunity for everyone to join the club! It truly takes a village and you are #lovedandworthy. BU4U believes that we are all on a journey to becoming our best self. As a lifelong caregiver, it is important to provide life coaching to ourselves so we may ensure the best of the best personal care services! It is our mission to encourage everyone to BU4U so I can be Me4Me. Working together in our community will enhance our culture and create quality of life for all active participants beyond our own wingspan.
I am looking forward to sharing some of my personal journey in order to help enrich your own personal life. I am learning EVERYDAY how to fuel up and take care of myself first - I truly desire to be BU2FULL Once an individual has committed to learn what properly fuels them, they are then able to design a B.U.2.FULL life. That is how BU4U was developed! With God's good grace and unfailing LOVE, I am on a journey. By joining this club, I am inviting you all to walk along side of each other in this precious gift we call life.
Let's learn how to fuel
Let's learn to tell ourselves a good story - after all you are the author of your own life story.
Live a BU2FULL life!